The couple on the left and the bird on the right are from two different drawings. The couples were actually on the court of their divorce, I especially like their facial expressions as they are really ironic.It has used simple lines to convey the emotion so well.

Those two are also from two different drawings.I especially like the jumping man on the left, he stands out from the whole drawing in which there were many figures.The exagerrated posture and dressing made him unique and lovely.

The top two are from the same drawing, in which there was a mysterious atmosphere, each of the figures in the drawings were however unique. It has used different thin and fat figures, accurate facial expressions to varify the different characters.
Web: Cartoon Museum
35 Little Russell Street
There are currently about 900 works in the collection. These include original cartoons, caricatures, drawings, sketches and letters.There is also a selection of eighteenth century original prints. Some rare books featuring the work of cartoon artists are also included in the collection.
Collection details
Design, Film and Media, Fine Art, Literature, Social History, Weapons and War
Key artists and exhibits
* Rare and original artwork on loan from The Beano, the Dandy, and Topper including The Bash Street Kids, Roger the Dodger, Billy the Whizz, Desperate Dan, Beryl the Peril and of course Dennis the Menace.
* Classic works by Gillray including The Plum Pudding and, John Bull - taking a luncheon, and The Zenith of French Glory.
* Cartoons in 3D including Gerald Scarfe¹s memorable Chairman Mao, Scarfe's caricatured original leather armchair from 1971.
* Cartoons by Larry, Kipper Williams, Tony Husband, Nick Newman and many more.
* Emett¹s working ‘Fairway Birdie’ (made by this eccentric cartoonist whose wacky contraptions appeared in Chitty Bang Bang, and at The Festival of Britain.)
* Classic war cartoons including Sir David Low¹s ‘All Behind you, Winston’, and Bruce Bairnsfather¹s, ‘If you know a better ‘Ole...’
* Colour mural painted by top cartoonists including Steve Bell, Dave Brown, Martin Rowson, Peter Brookes, Chris Riddell, MAC and Hunt Emerson.
* Annual cover drawings by Carl Giles featuring the Giles family and his immortal Granny.